My poor moss for what has happened …
It all started when I decided about 5 months ago that I wanted to grow moss. Next to my house there is a ditch and a river, so I had a choice. I took a little bit from each site and looked around further until I had a fair amount.
The first surprise came to me when I searched the Internet for how to take care of it and I found out that it is forbidden to pluck moss: S Uppss, well, it was late, the damage had already been done and I just had to plant it, make it survive.
As an experiment, I planted a variety of moss on a plate as it was collected and covered it with kitchen paper; and the other, I crushed it and spread it on the earthen plate. My goal was to figure out the fastest way to grow it.
I spent like 3 months taking care of both guys equally and they were growing!
Fatal mistake … the next day the moss had been burned by traces of ammonia that, without realizing it, were still in the pot T_T
To this day, I still have not lost hope and, despite the fact that the moss is more yellow than the corn, I continue to water it and wait for the moment when I see it revive (it seems that there is little left) ^ _ ^ *