Why I opened a Redbubble shop but I am no longer doing some sculpting?
I’ve decided that I’m going to learn Illustator and makes some designs while I find a good time to do some sculpting again.
I’ve to stopped doing Sculpey things because I had a boy that have all my time occupied.
Viper t-shirt
I’ve started by a Viper insignia. Those who don’t know Battlestar Galactica series I truly recommend it.

Rick Dangerous t-shirt
Another design that I made: Rick Dangerous real t-shirt. It’s about the logo of the Rick Dangerous’ uniform. Rick Dangerous was a videogame about a guy who was so alike Indiana Jones so in the sequel they change his clothes and give him a bit of personality.

Gobliiins t-shirt
The last one is about another videogame: Gobliiins. These 3 little goblins were a pain in the ass.

Here you have a link to my shop if you are interested in
I visualize all my designs in t-shirts but you can buy them in cups, clocks…